Westmoreland Electric has always been committed to safety. As we grew and began working on much larger construction projects, we determined that we needed to go farther and be even more proactive when it comes to the safety of our employees. That is why we formed a safety committee and continually provide safety training to all of our employees!
We work closely with safety consultants to ensure every electrical project is performed in a safe manner
Westmoreland Electric employs and retains some of the industry’s most experienced safety experts who undergo rigorous, continuous safety training and testing. Our safety staff will put this expertise to work in designing a custom program for each jobsite so accident prevention is job-one from the very start of our project.

We embrace a strong commitment toward accident prevention and no safety incidents in all of our operations. To accomplish this fundamental task we do the following:
Pre-Hire Employee Safety Orientations and Training
Substance Abuse Testing
Safety and Task Specific Training
Equipment Training and Refresher Courses
Employee Safety Bulletins and Incident Alerts
Employee Incentive Programs
Progressive Employee Discipline
Project Startup Safety Management Plan
Site Specific Safety Plans
Pre-Task Hazard Analysis
Site Safety Audits
A Safety Committee Comprised of Management, Supervision and Labor
Management and Safety Committee Review of All Incidents
Post Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis
Lessons Learned Used For Continuous Improvement